Understanding the risks in your organisation is fundamental to providing a safe work place for everyone who works in and with your organisation.
Risk Management
Knox OHS Solutions provides risk management services focussed on enabling capable people and a safe work environment.
Your people understanding risk is fundamental to a safe work place. Identifying and managing health, safety and environment risks are the foundation for establishing a structured approach to controlling these risks.
We understand the challenges many organisations experience with identifying and implementing risk control strategies. We have a proven reputation for working closely with our clients to assist them with impartially identifying and quantifying risks and working collaboratively to provide guidance and deliver practical solutions which eliminate or minimise risk.
Implementing robust and practical risk control strategies is likely to reduce incidents... In our experience a proactive approach to risk management can have additional benefits, including an informed and engaged workforce.
Our team of experienced consultants have worked in and with a large number of organisations across a broad industry sector. This experience provides them with significant knowledge and expertise across a range of risk areas.
Our risk management services include, but are not limited to:

Occupational hygiene services & environmental monitoring
Knox OHS Solutions have qualified and professional occupational hygienists to carry out a range of occupational hygiene services.
Our occupational hygienists have extensive experience across varying industry sectors. Our team utilise recognised standards and methodologies to assess and quantify workplace risks and provide relevant guidance and solutions to manage exposure to specific hazards
- Noise assessments, mapping and personal noise monitoring
- Dust and hazardous substances assessments

Risk Management Systems
Risk management systems are key to supporting the practical implementation of critical risk controls. Knox OHS Solutions has assisted organisations with:
- Conducting risk profiles
- Conducting risk assessments and workshop facilitation
- Task and process specific procedures- Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS), Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
- Assisting with regulator interventions (e.g. improvement and prohibition notices)

Strategic Planning and Governance
Knox OHS Solutions support the development of strategic plans. We have assisted organisations with development of and proven risk reduction strategies.
Our team can assist with establishing health, safety and environment plans which focus on managing risk, addressing compliance and developing a proactive safety culture.
We can assist with corporate governance and reporting which are essential in defining accountabilities and measurable performance indicators for all levels of the organisation.

Risk Profile
Knox OHS Solutions can facilitate risk profile workshops to assist organisations with identifying operational hazards and risks..
Developing critical risk control strategies enables the organisation to focus on risks which have the potential to cause significant harm.

Workplace Inspections
Knox OHS Solutions conduct independent workplace inspections.
Our team bring experience from a varying range of industry sectors which provides your organisation with expert assessment for a range of hazards and risks and guidance on practical solutions and controls.